Atas rezeki yang Dia berikan. Dah lama tunggu yang ke dua ni... alhamdulillah Allah makbulkan doa.
Insyaallah tahun depan.. khayr akan jadi abang :))
Ye saya pregnant yang ke dua sekarang
baru lagi... baru 9minggu. Tapi dia punya excited tu Allah je yang tahu hihi
Buat UPT sendiri di rumah
bila period dh lewat seminggu tu dah rasa excited.. berdebar2 je tiap kali pi toilet
takut period hahahaha. Psiko sgt nih!
cakap kat en Kam ..eee ibu dah lewat seminggu ni
tapi tak mo la excited lebih2..tunggu lagi
masuk minggu ke dua tu... xtahan dah.. gi cari clear blue pregnancy test kat apoteket hahaha
ccek tgh2 ari buta ok... patutnya kan cek pagi2
xkisah la... tp test positif. Alhamdulillah
tak bgtau en kam lg... tp bgtau along and eein heheheh
so diorg yg tau dulu
eein siap tnya gmbr tu maksudnya apa?? Alahai ahahha
nak kena explain la pulak khennn hehehhe
esok nya baru bgtau en kam
suruh dia tgk something dlm beg
dia dh suspen tnya apa?? Ingat ada present la tu utk dia haha
tp mmg present pon kan hehhee
en kam happy... saya pon happy heheh
so terus makan vitamin folic acis etc utk pregnancy
lepas 2minggu baru kol antrnatal clinic for prenatal visits
so 15hb julai was the first visits
midwife lisbeth yg handle
first dia tnya family history etc
and kena ambik urine test and blood test
Urine was clear from protein or bacteria
BP was normal 100/64
HB was 13.1
Random blood glucose was 5.4
Lisbeth offers if we would like to do genetic test
to check the risk for down syndrome
me and en kam were thinking we dont need that
although it was a good test tho
But it's ok... insyaallah doa2 semua normal dan dipermudahkan
Khayr was excited when he know that he gonna be big brother
he said he wanted to share train thomas with baby
If baby crying khayr bagi baby train thomas or racer bill
kadang2 dtg dengar kat perot ibu and said owh baby is playing la ibu
or oeh baby is sleeping la ibu hehehe
he excited to see my tummy getting bigger and bigger
walaupon awal sgt lagi perot tu nak besar.
Besar tu sebab lemak sayang
anyway hahahaa
doakan semua nya dipermudahkan Allah
I'm excited and worried at the same time
see you in feb next year, my number two ♥