Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Musim Bunga

Finally... Alhamdulillah. Berbunga juga.... hehehe.

Saya ada couse di Huddinge minggu lepas sampai minggu ni. Semalam terpaksa pergi juga ke office di Solna, sebab bos nak jumpa. Nak balik tu, perasan eh padang kat sekolah ni dah tumbuh bunga lahhh.. Terus capai kamera yang memang selalu ada dalam beg ni..

Cantik kan... (sendiri ambik sendiri puji...hehehe)

Ada banyak warna lagi.. Minggu depan kita ambik gambar banyak2 yea. Semalam tak sempat sebab nak kejar bus sekolah...hihihi.

Esok saya ada presentation. My group will be the first. Bagus jugak. Jangan esok tiada suara sudah. Bangun pagi tadi suara dah macam Ella..hehehe.

Ok nak pergi ambik Khayr Sufyan balik sekolah... Yea, saya buat kerja dari rumah hari ni.. Summary and slides presentation for tomorrow dah siap.. Byeee

Friday, April 13, 2012

Flat stomach anyone?

Tajuk pun dah boleh tau kan. heee

Hari ni saya takde breakfast meeting. Selalunya, setiap jumaat, 9am saya akan ada breakfast meeting. Bila dengar meeting jangan salah faham. Sebenarnya, setiap hari Jumaat kami akan dengar lecture dari invited speaker. Mostly all the topics related to diabetes complications..
Yea.. pagi2 dah kena dengar benda scientifik... huuuu.

Sebab hari ni kami takde meeting, maka saya dan Neuza decided untuk ke gym pagi ni. Sampai jer kat gym, Neuza dah start 7 minutes. Ok la, me not too late.

So tadi guna cross trainer for 10 minute, treadmill for 10 minute..
Yang paling best, hari ni saya guna mesin baru.. weeeehheeee.


: angkat 7.5kg jer.. cuba 10 kila macam habis nafas kot.. huuu :

: agak2 lepas 3 bulan boleh dapat flat stomach macam ni tak??? boleh la boleh la... ameennnn:

: jangan jadi macam ni dah la.. ngeri kotttt.. takoott pun yea heee :

Next week ada course kat Huddinge for 2 weeks. Tak dapat la nak ke gym untuk 2 minggu. Rasa rugi pulak.. takpe.. kejap lagi nak usha2 kot2 ada free gym kat Karolinska Hospital Huddinge.. Mintak2 la ada .. fuhhh.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Pagi tadi hantar Khayr Sufyan pergi sekolah.. Menangis nangis anak ibu... Berjurai2 air mata tu.. Sedih betul ibu tengok :(

Bila dah nak sampai kawasan sekolah Khayr tu, saya turun kan Khayr dari stroller. Saja nak biarkan dia berjalan sendiri. Dia taknak dan dah mula nak menangis. Agak nya dia tahu.. dah sampai kawasan sekolah. Kejap lagi mesti ibu nak tinggal kan Khayr...

Sampai jer kat sekolah tu, saja buka kan baju, kasut semua. Khayr dah mula menangis air mata berjurai2.. tak mahu saya letak. Nak saya dukung. Bila saya bagi Khayr pada cikgu untuk cikgu dukung, makin kuat Khayr menangis... But the teacher promise, She said don't worry. Khayr will be ok in a minute. Tapi macam tak caya jer lan...Mesti tu ayat nak menyedap kan hati saya jer. Tapi tak boleh nak tunggu lama2.. Saya kena kejar bus sekolah.huuu

Kesian betul.. Kalau ikut kan hati ni, memang tak mahu tinggal kan dia kat sekolah tu.. Saya pun tak payah ke sekolah.. tinggal kat rumah main jer dengan Khayr. Tapi apa boleh buat kan...

So arini kat sekolah, asyik teringat kat anak ibu jer. Next time biar abah la yang hantar Khayr. Ibu tak sampai hati :(

Monday, April 9, 2012

Places to visit in Riga, Latvia

This is my 3rd cruise after Helsinki and Tallinn. Since Ekin, our niece never experience cruise, my husband and I decided to bring her to Riga, Latvia. We took Tallink Silja Line Cruise since it have bigger cruise compare to Viking Line.

We arrived in Riga at 11.30am (10.30am Stockholm time) and the weather not really good. It was raining and cold..huuu.

This is our cruise.. A little big smaller compared the one that we took to Tallinn.

Riga sight seeing bus.. I don't know why all sight seeing bus that I saw in Barcelona, Tallinn, Helsinki, London were in red. We didn't take the bus because Riga is a small city. We can just walk around the city in a day. But if you want to go to shopping, you might need to take a tram or bus to the shopping mall.

These is the 'Three Brothers'. This building were an example of Medieval residential structures in Riga. The facades and interiors provide a textbook examples of the development of architecture over the course of time.

The powder tower or initially known as the Sand Tower is one of the towers which helped to form the formerly walled city's fortifications. The gunpowder was stored in the tower.

Riga's Old Castle. Looks really old..

I don't know the name of these wall. But I think it is really unique with the signs stamp on it's wall.

Hehehehe.. this is near to the Riga University. My husband and Ekin tried to copy the monumen beside them :P

Riga University

Giant pumpkins..hehehe. On the cruise, on of the crew told my husband to go to Riga Fresh Market if we have time. So we decided why not?? The market was really clean. It's divided into 3 area/building. One for fish or seafood. One for chicken or meat. And another one for vegetables.

They sell fresh fish which you couldn't find in Stockholm as far what I know.

Giant tomatoes..heheheee

The tram...

The Opera house

At Riga Old City :)

At the cente of the city, we found this flea market. They sell handicraft mostly from stone. It's very expensive.

Kesayangan :)

In Riga, all the fridge magnet or painting must related with cat. Riga know as The Cat city :)

Portable Information Counter... hehehee

The Occupational Museum with free entrance

I enjoyed our trip to Riga although the weather not really nice :)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gym Again

Hari ni semangat pergi gym pagi.. Pukul 6.45pagi saya dah keluar rumah.
7.45pagi dah terpacak kat depan pintu office...ingatkan orang pertama la yang sampai office. Rupa-rupa nya, supervisor saya dan Ma, a postdoc dah sampai pun.. Awal betul diorang ni pergi kerja..

Elok jer habis secawan hot chocolate, Neuza pun sampai. Dah plan semalam nak pergi dengan Neuza hari ni. Neuza ni visiting Master Student dari Portugal di lab saya. Tengah siapkan Master Degree. Lepas Neuza balik Portugal, mesti dah takde kawan pergi gym lagi...huuuu.

Kami guna crosstrainer for 30minit. Bakar kalori 376J. Sikit jer kan?? sob sob sob... Takpe, lepas ni kita bakar kasi banyak sikit lemak-lemak degil ni...

Lepas tu, workout untuk abdominal part pulak. Ada trainer tolong tunjukkan macamana cara yang betul kalau nak workout bahagian perut ni.. susah nya. Terkial-kial saya dan Neuza ni nak ikut. Takpelah... buat hari-hari InsyaAllah lepas ni boleh jadi Miss Sweden bak kata Neuza.. Erkkk

Boleh juga guna pilatte ball macam kat bawah ni.

It's look easy when the trainer showed us how to use the ball. But only after you try by ourself, you will know how difficult it is. The things is maybe bacause I'm not familiar to use the ball, and also maybe because of my big tummy... heeee.

But I will never give up. Definitely I will try again next time..

Exercise is one thing. Another things was when we wanted to change and have a showered. It's is an OPEN shower. YES. Open shower, without door or shower curtain. Nice kan. Me and Neuza like oh no. How we want to take a shower without curtain????

At first we planned to lock the door and both of us can take turn to use the shower. Then suddenly, one lady came to the changing room. Hahahaha.. Perempuan tu selamba badak dia jer buka semua baju and naked in front of us... We liked.. Pleaseeeee...

Saya terus masuk toilet dan tukar baju semua dalam toilet. After finish, I went out and Neuza was taking a bath alone after the lady earlier finished shower. Good... Neuza cakap mesti perempuan tu ingat kitorang ni gila sebab malu-malu nak mandi. Yes maybe. But I think the lady was the one who was crazy sebab boleh naked selamba badak je depan kitoarng kan..huuu. Yes I'm Asian. hehehe.

Lepas ni kena fikir macamana cara nak mandi dalam changing room tu... haisshhhhh :P

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Gym :P

Dah lama semangat nak pergi gym. Di Karolinska University Hospital ni ada free gymnasium for all staf. Minggu lepas saya, Neuza, dan Carole pergi aktif kan our door card, to make it easier if we want to go to the gym.

Semalam saya sempat ke gym during lunch hour. Semangat ni pergi sorang-sorang sebab Neuza dan Carole ada kerja during lunch hour...

Sebelum apa2 kita timbang berat dulu... Ishhh betul2 kena kerja kuat ni...huuu. Takpe2 perlahan2 orang kata, biar consistent.

Maka berjaya guna Crosstrainer ni untuk 30 minit. Tak ingat pulak berapa kalori yang dah berjaya di bakar semalam... Takpe, next time mesti bawak kamera kan.. Harap2 tak jadi angan-angan tahi ayam itik la kan...hehehe.

Ni ada info mengenai crosstrainer.. hasil google

Here are the major benefits of elliptical exercise machines:

  1. The most important aspect of using an elliptical trainer is the reduction of impact. It provides the similar type of workout as jogging but without the wear and tear on your joints. Because of your weight, jogging actually places a great deal of stress on the back and joints. If you have ever jogged a lot and without a good pair of jogging shoes, jogging can be hard on your knees, ankles, shins, and back. With elliptical bike, because your limbs remain in continuous contact with the machine, its operation limits the impact to your joints. That’s why most fitness experts recommend the elliptical trainer to people who have a hard time exercising because of physical ailments such as bad joints and arthritis.
  2. Depending on the intensity, you may burn more calorieswith the elliptical trainer compared with the treadmill or the exercise bike. The actual workout feels like a brisk walk even though you are exerting as much effort as a good run. Elliptical trainers burn the between 8 and 12 calories per minute. Not too bad.
  3. If you choose an elliptical trainer with dual action handle bars, you can actually get a true cross training workout that uses your whole body, including your upper body. But, for me, I prefer not to hold the bar because I tend to move slower. Without holding the bar, I feel that my abs will actually work slightly harder in stabilizing my body.
  4. For those who want to work out your lower legs, the elliptical trainer uses all of the muscles of the lower leg. Therefore, you will strengthen and build your lower legs.
  5. Another great thing about the elliptical trainer is that you can move at a comfortable speed while allowing for the occasional burst of high intensities.
  6. Safe to use.When you stop, the machine stops. The amount of resistance on an elliptical trainer will determine how much effort it will take for you to keep your feet moving. The speed will be determined by your own movement.

    Dengan benefits kat atas tu, mesti pergi gym hari2 or alternate day.. Jom mula dari sekarang...

The Black Cat city.. Riga

Lama betul nak tunggu entry Riga ni kan.. heee. Kalau pos gambar jer aci tak? Aci kan jer la eh.

:Yesss.. Welcome to Riga:

:Wajib la ambik gambar atas cruise kan:

:Kesayangan Ibu:

: Erm tak ingat nama tempat ni, kena rujuk peta semula..hee :

: me and beloved hubby :) :

I will update more photos and review about Riga next time. Hopefully by this week.